As the nights draw in and we embrace the autumnal weather we would like to invite you to a couple of cosy and cultured evenings we will be hosting at our shop & studio.
Wine tasting
To celebrate the start of our épanoui lifestyle workshops the first special event will be a wine tasting evening on Thursday 10th November curated by Boutique French Wines, a family run company based in the heart of Cognac. BFW pride themselves on sourcing the very best wines from hidden vineyards in France which are rarely available to UK based wine lovers. The art of wine tasting will be demystified and you will spend the evening tasting a selection of delicious reds, whites & champagne. So if you are hosting a Christmas party and looking for something to impress your guests with or simply looking for the perfect bottle to relax with in front of the fire, you will find them here.
Thursday 10th Nov 7pm , tickets will be £5 per person and can be booked by contacting hello@epanoui.co.uk
Wreath making
Our second event will be sure to get you into the Christmas spirit! We will be hosting wreath making workshops on both 8th & 9th December from 6pm. Come along and create a beautiful wreath to decorate your home with this festive season. Everything you need to create your very own wreath will be supplied, including materials, tools and guidance and your evening will be completed with festive nibbles and refreshments. This will be the perfect way to ring in the beginning of Christmas celebrations, invite a friend or come and meet some new faces.
Thursday 8th Dec or Friday 9th Dec from 6pm, tickets will be £40 per person and can be booked by contacting hello@epanoui.co.uk / info@loveandlifestudio.co.uk