News — fine art

Meet the Maker - Charlotte Knapp

Meet the Maker - Charlotte Knapp

Welcome back to our favourite Meet the Maker series! It's been a while but a year in lockdown has led us to discover some new creatives we just love and who have hopped on board at épanoui.  Craftsmanship is at the heart of what we do here and we always love hearing about others creative experiences, paths and backgrounds. We all have a story inside of us and individual ways of accessing our 'source', so grab a cuppa as we dip our toe into our newest artist's favourite things.  Charlotte Knapp is a Bedfordshire based abstract artist who loves exploring a range...

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Meet the Maker, Anna Reed

Meet the Maker, Anna Reed

As you, our wonderful customers always love to know how we find our artisans, where our pieces come from and a little story about each one we thought we would introduce a new monthly feature on the blog to highlight our amazingly talented artists, makers & creatives.   So grab a cuppa and prepare for a little insight into our wonderful creatives world’s - First up is Anna Reed.    Anna is a Bedfordshire based artist driven by her admiration of nature and its elegance. She predominately works in oil paint and pencil using precise and deliberate strokes to produce representational...

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